Traffic redirecting configuration, Traffic redirecting overview, Configuring traffic redirecting – H3C Technologies H3C S10500 Series Switches User Manual
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Traffic redirecting configuration
Traffic redirecting overview
Traffic redirecting is the action of redirecting the packets matching the specific match criteria to a certain
location for processing.
The following redirect actions are supported:
Redirecting traffic to the CPU: redirects packets that require processing by the CPU to the CPU.
Redirecting traffic to an interface: redirects packets that require processing by an interface to the
interface. Note that this action applies to only Layer 2 packets, and the target interface must be a
Layer 2 interface.
Redirecting traffic to the next hop: redirects packets that require processing by an interface to the
interface. This action only applies to Layer 3 packets.
Configuring traffic redirecting
Follow these steps to configure traffic redirecting:
To do…
Use the command…
Enter system view
system-view —
Create a class and enter class view
traffic classifier tcl-name [ operator { and |
or } ]
Configure match criteria
if-match match-criteria
Return to system view
Create a behavior and enter behavior
traffic behavior behavior-name Required
Configure a traffic redirecting action
redirect { cpu | interface interface-type
interface-number | next-hop { ipv4-add1
[ ipv4-add2 ] | ipv6-add1 [ interface-type
interface-number ] [ ipv6-add2
[ interface-type interface-number ] ] }
[ fail-action { discard | forward } ] }
Return to system view
Create a policy and enter policy view qos policy policy-name
Associate the class with the traffic
behavior in the QoS policy
classifier tcl-name behavior behavior-name
Return to system view
To an interface
Applying the QoS policy to an interface
Applying the QoS policy to a VLAN
Applying the QoS policy globally
Apply the
To the control plane
Applying the QoS policy to the control plane