Hakko MONITOUCH V7 series User Manual

Page 133

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7. PLC2Way

4. Select the PLC model to be connected at

the MJ port. Click the [Setting] button.
The [Type Setting] dialog is displayed.
Select [PLC2Way]. The PLC manufacturer
names who support PLC2Way
communication are displayed. Click [+].
The available model names of the selected
manufacturer are displayed. Select the
PLC model name and click [OK]. The
message communication “Communication
parameters are reset. OK?” is displayed.
Click [Yes].

5. Set the parameters for the PLC to be connected at the MJ port.

[Baud Rate] (4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115000, 115 kbps)

Select the communication speed with the PLC connected at the MJ port.

[Parity] (None/Odd/Even)

Select the parity setting for communications with the PLC connected at the MJ port.

[Data Length] (7-bit/8-bit)

Select the data length for communications with the PLC connected at the MJ port.

[Stop Bit] (1-bit/2-bit)

Select the stop bit setting for communications with the PLC connected at the MJ

[Signal Level] (RS232C/RS485)

Select the signal level for communications with the PLC connected at the MJ port.


Set the number of retrials to be attempted in the case that a communication error

[Time-out Time] (

×100 msec)

Select the receive time of the response from the PLC connected at the MJ port. If
no response is received within the specified time, a retrial is attempted.

[Send Delay Time] (

× msec)

Set a time delay in sending the response to the PLC after receipt of data from the
PLC connected at the MJ port.