Vehicle display, Tools – Wavetronix SmartSensor HD (101-0415) - User Guide User Manual
Page 59
Figure 6.6 – Lane Configuration Sidebar Options
Auto Cfg – Shows the lanes that are automatically configured by the sensor.
Saved Cfg – Shows the lanes that are saved on the sensor.
Scale – Shows the distance from the SmartSensor HD to each lane.
Centers – Shows the relative occurrence of events. Larger arrows indicate a greater
number of vehicles at a given range.
Tracks – Shows a track for each detected vehicle; a line is drawn at the center of each
vehicle that passes. This sidebar is very useful for manually adding lanes. Click on the
tracks sidebar to clear all tracks and start again.
Vehicle Display
The Vehicle Display button
opens a menu that allows you to configure how ve-
hicles are drawn and what information is displayed on them.
In range mode, vehicles are drawn at the correct range regardless of lane definitions. In lane
mode, only vehicles detected in configured lanes will be displayed.
SSMHD is able to display the detected speed, length, length-based class (see Definitions in
Chapter 7) or no information for each vehicle (see Figure 6.7). To choose to show no informa-
tion for the vehicle, click again on the option that is currently checked to deselect all options.
Figure 6.7 – Vehicle Display Options
The Tools button
opens a menu that allows you to automatically configure the sen-
sor, save and load configurations to files and reboot the sensor (see Figure 6.8). Saving or