Installation type, Communication screen icons, Connecting to an isolated sensor – Wavetronix SmartSensor HD (101-0415) - User Guide User Manual

Page 44: Connecting to a sensor in a multi-drop network

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1 Make sure that all power and communication wiring is correct.

2 Check the port settings (baud rate, port ID).

3 Make sure that the sensor ID is correct.

Connection failure can occur for various reasons; if a failure occurs repeatedly, call Wa-

vetronix Technical Services at 801-764-0277 for assistance.

Installation Type

Once the communication parameters are selected, choose the installation type to be used

for the connection.

Connecting to an Isolated Sensor

This protocol option is recommended when only one sensor exists on the remote end of the

connection (see Figure 4.7).

Figure 4.7 – Isolated Sensor

Connecting to a Sensor in a Multi-drop Network

Connecting to a sensor in a multi-drop network is recommended when more than one

sensor exists on the remote end of a connection. To connect to a sensor on a multi-drop

network, select Multi-drop Network from the drop-down list and enter the multi-drop

sensor ID of the sensor you are connecting to (see Figure 4.8).

Figure 4.8 – Multi-drop Network

If you do not know the sensor ID, click on the sensor and magnifying glass at the end of the

Sensor ID field to do a search for all sensors on the serial bus.

Communication Screen Icons

At the bottom of the serial and Internet connection screens there is a white bar with icons.

This section will explain the purpose of those icons.