General reed solomon decoding – Wavecom W-BitView V2.5.00 User Manual
Page 47
BitView Manual V2.5.00 WAVECOM W-BV
Function Library
Find the parameters of convolutional encoded bit streams.
The function returns constraint length (K), number of input bits per shift cycle (k), number of output bits
per shift cycle (n) and generator polynomials. The function will search for K = 2..14, and n = 2..4. The
numbers of returned generator polynomials depend on the number of output bits per shift cycle (n).
The results of the analysis are displayed in a new document window and in the Calculation category in
the Properties window. The table below lists the calculated parameters.
Gen. Poly1
Generator polynomial 1 found
Gen. Poly2
Generator polynomial 2 found
Gen. Poly3
Generator polynomial 3 found
Gen. Poly4
Generator polynomial 4 found
Input bits (k)
Number of input bits to convolutional encoder
Constraint length
Constraint length, i.e., the number of bit in encoder memory affecting the generation of n
output bits
Output bits (n)
Number of output bits from convolutional encoder
General Reed Solomon Decoding
In: Bit stream
Out: Bit stream
Decodes bit streams which are encoded with a Reed-Solomon code.
The decoder must be configured by the parameters listed below.