And / or / xor / not, And / or / xor / not range – Wavecom W-BitView V2.5.00 User Manual
Page 41
BitView Manual V2.5.00 WAVECOM W-BV
Function Library
Example 2:
Offset into Bit Buffer = 3
Interleaving distance = 8
Output frame length = 4
In: Bit stream
Out: Bit stream
The output bit values depend on the selected logical operation (Logical operator) performed on the input
bits. The first operand is the input bit stream, while the second operand (Frame) is constant and can be
either ‘0’ or ‘1’.
AND / OR / XOR / NOT Range
In: Bit stream
Out: Bit stream
The output bit values depend on the selected logical operation (Logical operator) performed on the input
bits from Offset to first frame and over Number of frames. The first operand is the input bit stream,
while the second operand (Frame) is constant and can be ‘0’ or ‘1’.