Visara CNA-8000 Installation User Manual
Page 98

Chapter 8. Gateway Circuit Configuration
Field Definitions:
Gateway Identifier: The Gateway Identifier field functions in two ways. When one or
more gateways have been defined, the control functions as a dropdown control listing all
of the previously defined gateway circuits. Pressing the [New] button changes the control
to a data entry field. This allows you to enter a new Gateway Identifier (name) to be
associated to the new Gateway Circuit.
XCA Subchannel: This dropdown box determines which of the ESCON/FICON
subchannels is to be the destination of the traffic. Each subchannel is the host side of an
XCA portal capable of directing traffic for up to 255 PUs simultaneously. Each XCA
subchannel is associated with a specific ESCON/FICON physical interface, VTAM SAP,
and network adapter. Selecting an XCA subchannel causes the appropriate dropdown
control (as selected by the gateway type to populate with only the drops on the network
adapter associated with the subchannel (the ESCON/FICON Subchannel panel needs to
have been configured previously).
PUID Override: This checkbox is selected to indicate that the predefined gateway
circuit will substitute whatever PUID may be provided by the downstream PU node with
the one configured in the PUID field. The checkbox will be grayed out whenever a
dynamic gateway type has been selected.
PUID: The PUID field can be configured with a value that will be passed upstream to
VTAM (to be matched to the IDBLK and IDNUM parameters). This value is typically
used when the gateway circuit is used to map a downstream SDLC node to an XCA
destination. If configured for a downstream LAN device, the PUID will override any
PUID provided by the downstream node.
Predefined DLSW: Selecting this control will cause only predefined DLSw Drops
associated with the network adapter configured for the indicated XCA Subchannel to
display as options.