Visara CNA-8000 Installation User Manual
Page 86

Chapter 6. Ethernet Gateway
Configuring the DLSW Drop Panel
Pressing the [DLSW Drops] button on the Ethernet Line panel causes the Configure
DLSW Drops panel to display. This panel allows you to define a DLSw pipe across an IP
network to a remote IP DLSw router. PU2 SNA traffic is transported through this pipe
within IP packets making use of any available IP network redundancy. A DLSw
definition must be matched in the CNA-8000 configuration to an ESCON subchannel
definition later through a configured gateway circuit. This allows network attached PU2
devices to communicate to Switched Major Node PU2 definitions on the host.
It should be noted that if a downstream PU2 node attempts to attach through the CNA-
8000 using two or more circuits to connect to the same VTAM XCA circuit (same CNA-
8000 subchannel), the node must use different SAPs to connect from. Example if the
node uses the DLPID MAC value 02:00:11:74:00:26 and SAP 04, then a second circuit
from the same node must use a different SAP such as 08. When the CNA-8000 passes the
connection request up to VTAM, if the same MAC and SAP attempt a connection,
VTAM will see it as an attempt for the same client to connect (duplicate connection)
which will fail.
An example of the DLSW Drops panel appears below.