Visara CNA-8000 Installation User Manual

Page 87

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CNA-8000 Installation and Configuration



Field Definitions

Drop ID: This control has a dual function. When Drops have been created, this control is
a dropdown control containing a list of available drops. If you select the [New] button the
control changes into a data entry control allowing you to type a new name into the field.
The name can be most any text string (alphanumeric characters plus dash, underscore,
and period characters), and should be created by the administrator to provide a name for
the drop that is most useful to describe what or where it is.

Network Interface: This dropdown control lists all of the Ethernet interfaces, allowing
you to select the interface that you want to assign the drop to.

Dynamic: Checking this control for the drop causes the interface to operate in
promiscuous mode. That means that you do not have to define specific definitions for
each downstream node that you want to allow use of the DLSw pipe. Any downstream
node that is presented to the interface by its downstream DLSw partner will be accepted
as if it were predefined. Selecting the Dynamic check box will cause the DLPID and
Remote DLPID fields to become disabled.

Canonical MAC Addresses: This checkbox determines whether the MAC address
entered in the DLPID MAC Address and the Remote DLPID MAC Address fields are
being displayed in Canonical MAC format or Non-Canonical MAC format. Canonical
MAC format indicates that the address is ordered with the least significant bit on the left
and is how Ethernet addresses are typically formatted. Non-Canonical MAC format
indicates that the address is ordered with the most significant bit on the left and is how
Token Ring addresses are typically formatted.

DLPID (MAC Address and SAP): This defines the local data link address to be used to
receive connections directed to this drop. When Promiscuous mode is selected this
address has no meaning since all requests received regardless of the destination will be
accepted. When Promiscuous mode is not selected, any connection request through this
drop must direct the traffic to the specified MAC Address/SAP pair configured.

Remote IP Address: Enter the IP address of the remote DLSw partner. This is typically
a DLSw router, but could also be another DLSw endpoint such as a Visara 1174
controller. Together this drop definition and the Remote IP Address partner define a
DLSw pipe through which one or more downstream PU2 nodes may communicate.

Remote DLPID (MAC Address and SAP): This defines the remote data link address
and SAP used by the remote PU2 node that this drop is defined for. If the remote node is
LAN attached to the remote DLSw gateway, the MAC address and SAP should represent
the MAC address and SAP configured in that node. If the remote node is SDLC attached
or the remote node contains the DLSw gateway, then the address and SAP are normally
configured in the DLSw gateway itself. When Promiscuous mode is selected, this
parameter is not configured since any remote PU2 node that requests a connection will be
allowed to connect through this drop.