Visara CNA-8000 Installation User Manual

Page 121

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CNA-8000 Installation and Configuration



Making Dynamic TN3270 Changes

The CNA-8000 allows you to make configuration changes dynamically. That is, you do
not have to perform a Restart or Reboot to make changes related to TN3270 operations
take affect.

The way changes take affect can be broken down into two groups. Nickname changes
and User ID/Password changes take affect as soon as you press the [Update] button on
the configuration panel associated with those options. Changes made to Ports, Pools, and
Client definitions do not take affect immediately when you press the [Update] button on
those associated panels. The changes are written to the configuration file, but not read in
for immediate use. Instead you are allowed to make as many TN3270 related changes as
you need. If you want those changes to take immediate affect you can go to the TN3270
Configuration menu and press the [Apply] button as shown below. This will cause all of
the changes made to the Ports, Pools, and Client definitions to be read in and used.

It should be noted that we do not disconnect any client automatically that already has an
established session. When the [Apply] button is pressed the changes take affect for new
connections only. If you need to force a client session to disconnect, you will need to
make use of the [Disconnect] button option on the appropriate Host Circuit panel. Refer
to the CNA-8000 Users Guide and Maintenance Manual for how to force clients to