Visara CNA-8000 Installation User Manual
Page 36

Chapter 2. Configuration Overview
Log File Retention Policy:
There are two primary logs available on the CNA-8000. There is a ‘general’ Event Log
where events determined by the ‘Log Which Events’ section described above determines.
There is another log that keeps track of TN3270 client connections, disconnections, and
failed attempted connections. Both logs are governed by the Log File Retention Policy.
There are two options for limiting the size of the Log File. These are:
Limit the size by limiting the number of days that the log includes. Old log entries
are purged automatically when they fall outside the prescribed timeframe.
Limit the actual file size by setting the maximum file size that will be kept. As
new items are logged, the file size is monitored and old events will be dropped to
maintain the maximum file size.
Email Alert Notification:
Certain severe log events can generate an email message to be sent to one or more email
accounts. Enter the destination email address(es) where those messages are to be sent.
Multiple email addresses can be entered by leaving a space between each email address.
At this time you cannot configure which events are considered to be severe on the CNA-
8000 itself. Editing of which messages are to generate email alerts can be performed
using the Visara eManager product. Automatic generation of severe event email
messages and the sending of those messages is an optional event determined by whether
any email destinations have been generated. Note that the configured Host Name will be
included in the email alerts that are sent.
Button Definitions
Submit: The Submit button saves the changes. Most changes on this panel should take
affect immediately.
Return: The Return button takes you back to the previous panel.