Thinklogical Q-4300 Video Modules Manual User Manual

Page 47

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Q - S e r i e s V i d e o M o d u l e s P r o d u c t M a n u a l , R e v . I

Page 47

D.2. Q-1300 Chassis Menu Options

When a Q-Series Scaler Module is used in a Q-1300 Chassis, no LCD is available for programming.
Parameters can be set or modified using the USB Mini-B CTRL port on the connector panel of the
module. A terminal emulation program, such as Hyper Term or Tera Term, set to the following baud rate,
is required:

Factory-set baud rate in Scaler Mod.

Baud Rate: 115200
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
Set user’s terminal program (Hyper Term, Tera
Term or other such terminal emulation program
to this baud rate.

DVI to Display

L2 L1








From the termi

nal emulation program’s Main User Menu, users can select the same options that are

available on the Q-2300 and Q-4300 LCDs. By entering a letter from the corresponding choices, users
can modify the available settings.

Pressing CR or enter will return to the main menu. The name of

each menu is listed along the top of the window, as shown below.

The Main User Menu

This manual is related to the following products: