Setting the starting and ending points, Recording a stereo master track, Exiting mixdown mode – Teac DP-03 User Manual

Page 55: Checking the stereo master track, 9 – mixing down and mastering tracks, 55 setting the starting and ending points

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Setting the starting and ending points

Before creating a stereo master track, set the stereo

master track start and end points. The time between the

song’s IN point and the OUT point will be recorded as the

stereo master track.
Ordinarily, set the beginning of the song as the IN point

and the end of the song as the OUT point.
Press and hold the IN [SET IN] button where you want

to set the start (IN) point of the stereo master track, and

press and hold the OUT [SET OUT] button where you

want to set the end (OUT) point.
For details about how to change the IN and OUT points,

see “Using IN, OUT and TO points” on page 46.

Recording a stereo master track

After setting the IN and OUT points, you are ready to

record the stereo master track.
1 In MULTITRACK mode, press the MIXDOWN/


After the

Mixdown !

pop-up message appears

the unit switches to


mode and the Home

Screen reopens.

In this state, if you play back or record, you can hear

the signal of the mixed tracks (the signal being

recorded) through headphones or a monitoring



When in MIXDOWN mode,


appears in the

bar at the upper left of the display.
If you try to enter


mode when the length

of the interval between IN and OUT points is less than

4 seconds, a

Trk Too Short

pop-up message

appears and you cannot enter





mode, you cannot change the IN, OUT or

TO points.
Some playback functions and other functions do not

work when the unit is in mixdown mode. If you try to

use one of these functions, an “In Mixdown Mode” pop-

up message appears.

2 Press and hold the RECORD (–) button and press

the PLAY (Á) button to start the mixdown. The

RECORD (–) button indicator lights.
Regardless of the recorder’s current playback position,

the mixdown starts from the IN point.

Use the TRACK faders and PAN knobs as necessary

to mix the tracks to stereo. These adjustments will

be reflected in the stereo master track.
When the recorder reaches the OUT point, recording

automatically stops.

3 If you want to redo the creation of the stereo

master track, press and hold the RECORD (–)

button and press the PLAY (Á) button to begin.

A new stereo master track will be created, and the

previous stereo master track will be overwritten.


After recording the stereo master track, you can play back

the stereo master track to check it. (See “Checking the

stereo master track” on page 55.)


You can also undo the creation of a stereo master track.

In other words, after recording the stereo master track

multiple times, you can undo and use a stereo master

track that you recorded earlier.

Exiting MIXDOWN mode

Press the MIXDOWN/MASTERING button twice to return


Checking the stereo master track

Follow these procedures to listen to a stereo master track

after you have completed recording it.
1 In MIXDOWN mode, press the MIXDOWN/

After the

Mastering !

pop-up message appears

the unit switches to


mode and the

Home Screen reopens.


When in MASTERING mode,


appears in

the bar at the upper left of the display.
When in MULTITRACK mode, press the


MASTERING button to activate MIXDOWN mode, and

then press the MIXDOWN/MASTERING button again

to activate MASTERING mode.
MASTERING mode cannot be entered if there is no

stereo master track.

9 – Mixing down and mastering tracks

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