Multitrack recording, Prepare tracks for recording, Track pan and level settings – Teac DP-03 User Manual

Page 41: Input selection and assignment, Setting input levels, Record additional tracks, Undoing an operation, Undoing the last operation (single undo), Cancelling an undo operation (redo), Undoing a previous operation (multi-undo)

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Multitrack recording

You can record new sounds to different tracks while

playing back already recorded tracks.

Prepare tracks for recording

1 Press the REC buttons of the already recorded

tracks to disarm recording to them (REC indicators


2 Press the REC buttons of the tracks that you want

to record to put them into record standby (REC

indicators blinking).

Track pan and level settings

Use the track faders and PAN knobs of the already

recorded tracks to adjust their levels and stereo positions

for monitoring their playback signals while making new


Input selection and assignment

Use the procedures described earlier in this chapter to

assign input sources to tracks for recording.

Setting input levels

After making the above settings, press the PLAY (Á)

button to start playback.
Just as though you were recording, you can monitor the

sound of already recorded tracks playing back and the

input sources on the tracks for recording, allowing you

to check the monitoring balance and volume. Adjust the

input levels suitably as you monitor both playback and

input signals.

Record additional tracks

Press and hold the RECORD (–) button and press the

PLAY (Á) button to start the new recordings to the other

tracks while monitoring the playback signal

Undoing an operation

This unit allows you to undo an operation or recording

that did not work as planned or was otherwise

unsatisfactory. Undo can be used on many ordinary

operations, including editing and recording operations.
This unit has two types of undo functions. Single undo

can be used with a simple button press, while multi-undo

allows you to return to a specific past operation and undo

the operations that occurred after it.


The UNDO/REDO indicator lights when a single undo or

multi-undo has been conducted

Undoing the last operation (single


Press the UNDO/REDO [HISTORY] button to return to the

state before the last operation was conducted. After doing

this, the UNDO/REDO indicator lights, showing that redo

(see below) is possible.



Cancelling an undo operation (redo)

Press the UNDO/REDO [HISTORY] buttons when its

indicator is lit to return to the state of the last operation.

The UNDO/REDO indicator becomes unlit.


If single undo is used when multi-undo (described below)

has already been used to return the unit to a previous

state, it will go one more step backward.
If you press the UNDO/REDO [HISTORY] button again

to redo, the single undo operation is cancelled, and the

previous multi-undo state is restored. In this case, the

operations undone by multi-undo are still retained in

history, so the UNDO/REDO indicator stays lit.

Undoing a previous operation (multi-


1 Press and hold the UNDO/REDO [HISTORY] button

to open the



This screen shows the operation history as a list. Each

operation in the list is called an “event.”
The event list starts at the bottom with event number


” (


) and proceeds up to the most

recent event at the top, which has a


next to it.

All events in this list that occurred after a selected

event can be undone at once. This operation is called

“multi-undo” because it allows you to undo multiple

events and return to an earlier state.

2 Use the DATA wheel to select the event that you

want to return to (all events after the selected

event will be undone).

3 Press the F2 (


) button to execute the multi-

undo and restore the song state to just after the

6 – Basic Recording

This manual is related to the following products: