Prerequisites – Super Systems SDStatus User Manual

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SDStatus View and Workstation Operations Manual

Super Systems Inc.

Page 5 of 83

Figure 1 - SDStatus Components and their Interaction


Both SDStatus View (hereafter referred to as “View”) and SDStatus Workstation (hereafter

referred to as “Workstation”) must be run on a computer with Microsoft Windows XP or higher.

The computer running View must be connected to the same Ethernet network as the

SuperDATA server and must be able to connect to the SuperDATA file system.

The computer on which the software will be installed must have Microsoft .NET 4.0

Redistributable (or higher) installed on it. This package is included on the SDStatus installation


SDIO is the software that communicates with devices in specific channels and provides data to

SuperDATA. SDStatus Service, running on the same computer that is running View, monitors

the operation of SDIO by analyzing data that SDIO writes to the


file (see the

SuperDATA manual for more details on this file).

Before many alarm conditions can be accurately evaluated by SDStatus, SDIO must be running

on the SuperDATA server with which SDStatus Service is communicating. To confirm that SDIO

is running, follow this procedure: