Sierra Video TyLinx Pro User Manual

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TyLinx Pro Help


© 2012 Sierra Video Systems

to be routed and then clicking on a destination control. When selected the source control's color will

change to indicate that it is in a selected state.

Take - Destination to Source
In this scenario a take is made by first clicking on the destination control to where the content is to be

routed and then clicking on a source control that contains the content source. When selected the

destination control's color will change to indicate that it is in a selected state.

Take - With Take Button
Some panel console configurations will include a Take button. When the Take button is present the

operator must select both a source and destination and then follow with clicking the Take button. No

switching occurs until the Take button is clicked.

Take - All Destinations
When enabled for all destinations takes, the operator should see two buttons in the Actions group

label "Select All" and "Un-Select All". When Select All is clicked all destinations become active

indicating they shall participate in the next take. If the Take button is present, the user should select

the source and then click Take. If the Take button is not present simply clicking on a source will effect

the take.

6.2.3 Breakaways

Breakaway is an operation where a subset of levels of a source are routed to a destination and a

subset of levels from another source. This may be done in circumstances where several camera

views with different audio sources are used. For example, during a news broadcast several cameras

views from different angles are used on the news anchor but audio may be sourced from a single

lapel microphone. Ideally, the designer would create separate consoles that allow independent control

of video and audio sources. But in some cases, breakaway actions from a single console needs to be

Performing a breakaway operation requires the operator to "build" the take using several steps. These

steps vary depending on the console configuration settings but by default panel console properties

may be performed as follows:
1) Select the Destination for the breakaway route: