Nortec LINKS 2 GSTC User Manual
Page 7
Figure 3: Rear of PCB
Connect power to the 24VAC and GND terminals of the Links2 terminal strip. This may be done in
one of two ways:
1. A 120VAC to 24VAC plug-in transformer with screw terminals on the secondary side has been
supplied with this kit. Wire the transformer to the 24VAC and GND terminals on the Links2
terminal strip.
2. Connect power from the humidifier terminal strip (see wiring diagram for details).
3. Note on 2(b) - Power to Links2 module will be lost when the humidifier is switched off.
4. Connect the slave humidifiers (if applicable) to the Nortec Links Module. A twisted pair cable
should be used so that the Net + terminal on the Links module should connect to the first pin
(bottom-most pin) of the connector. The Net – terminal on the module should be connected to
the second pin of the connector. Refer to the unit’s wiring diagram for more information.
Step 2 – Configuring The Humidifiers
Note: If the Links2 remote package was shipped with the humidifiers, this step will have already
been performed by the factory.
1. Since Nortec Links2 can connect to a maximum of 8 units, it will be necessary to set the unit
address for each humidifier. The lead unit can be determined by the presence of the Links2
module. The slave humidifiers can be given a unit address according to the number the unit
will have on the networked chain.
2. In order to change the current modbus address, press the Menu button on the keypad. When
prompted, enter the code 0335.
3. Once the password is set select the modbus address heading and press enter. Use the up and
down arrows to change the address setting.
4. Determine the desired humidifier ordering on the network. To change the network instance
follow step 3 and enter the parameter value of 2 for unit 2, 3 for unit 3 and so on.
RJ-45 connected