MicroLinks VT300 - user manual User Manual

Page 60

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Microscope Application Program

Copyright ©2008-2012 MicroLinks Technology Corp.

Fig 5-67 Oval

(5) Square: To measure the object is a parallelogram, it can use

. Firstly choose

Fig.5-63 Scale information setting dialog. To point one dot on the angle,

pressing the left mouse button, and drag the diagonal to make a square and fit the

observed object. See Fig 5-68 , P:Perimeter, A: Area, see Fig 5-68, the top

square on left P=7.295mm, the bottom square on left A=3.587




Fig 5-68 Square

(6) Rectangle: Measure a rectangle and use

. Firstly choose Fig.5-63 Scale

information setting dialog. To point one dot on the corner, press the left mouse

button, and drag the diagonal to make a rectangle to fit the observed object. See

Fig 5-69, P : Perimeter, A: Area, see Fig 5-69, the top rectangle on left

P=10.308mm, the bottom rectangle in the middle A=1.940


