MicroLinks VT300 - user manual User Manual

Page 50

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Microscope Application Program

Copyright ©2008-2012 MicroLinks Technology Corp.

Why is the resolution not the same with the Windows size? For example the

present resolution (original video image of output size) is 640*480 the measurement of

the Windows's for general is 400*300 sizes. When the original video image size is

640*480 by reducing to 400*300, the measurements will have caused error. Therefore,

the measurement is to adjust the resolution size and windows size to become the same.

To chooses the application toolbar. “Setting-> video format” will pop up shown in

Figure (Fig. 5-45), to change ”output size” value then, this output size expression

video source resolution.

Fig.5-45 Resolution adjustment

Another window adjusts as shown Fig.5-46 below.

Fig.5-46 window size adjustment

(5) Setting scale

The setting scale dialog box show in Fig.5-47. The following several to explain
