MicroLinks VT300 - user manual User Manual
Page 52

Microscope Application Program http://www.ViTiny.com
Copyright ©2008-2012 MicroLinks Technology Corp.
Create a new scale file
Click “new” button than it will pop up shown in Fig.5-49 a dialog box and input a
new scale name.
Fig.5-49 New scale name file dialog
After creating a new file, input vertical and horizontal‟s scale value shown in
Fig.5-50 and if want to change scale color, select “choose color” button to change
Fig.5-50 Input vertical and horizontal scale value
Scale ratio
The machine‟s Sensor of image ratio is 4:3, if checked fixed ratio, then the
horizontal and vertical scale will make the adjustment by 4:3 ratio, shown in Fig.
5-51. For example, input in the horizontal scale value to 410, the vertical scale