Microcom LDSII User Manual
Page 55

Chapter 2
Printer Commands
LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123
Figure 8
Detection Mode - Die-cut and Blowhole
(Offset X Direction)
This command moves or offsets all fields in the “X” direction without altering the field’s
insertion points. The value is entered using the current selected unit of measure. This
command is also a parameter in the “^D200)” script header command. See also, OFX.
(Offset Y Direction)
This com
mand moves or offsets all fields in the “Y” direction without altering the field’s
insertion points. The value is entered using the current selected unit of measure. This
command is also a parameter in the “^D200)” script header command. See also, OFY.
(Set Centering Offset)
“^D639)” command is used to set the image position offset in the X direction
independently of OFX or
“^D637)” command. This command is used to compensate for
mechanical misalignments that can not be adjusted mechanically. The value is entered
using the current selected unit of measure or
“^D564)” command. This command is a
“property” which means that it controls a specific distance that is set at the factory. The
property commands may be s
et back to their default values using the “^D392)1” command.
2.5.10 ^D640)n
(Set Delay Time Between Labels)
This command delays the printing between labels in a batch. The value for “n” is entered in
decimal seconds and has a maximum of 15 seconds.
2.5.11 ^D641)n
(Set Retraction Delay Time)
This command is used in conjunction with the dispense modes (“^D597)” command) and/or
when a cutter is used. The delay controls how long the media is presented before being
retracted. The value for “n” is entered in decimal seconds with a 15 second maximum.
Lower Sensor
Upper Sensor
(Not Used)
(Not used)