Microcom LDSII User Manual
Page 103

Chapter 6
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123
>INPUT 1< (21)
he “>INPUT 1<” response indicates that the INPUT 1 sensor option is tripped while in text
or verbose response modes. If the printer is configured for byte responses, the code ASCII
0x21 is issued from the printer in response to an enquiry command. This sensor and
response is intended to provide the user with the flexibility for custom configurations.
>INPUT 2< (22)
The “>INPUT 2<” response indicates that the INPUT 2 sensor option is tripped while in text
or verbose response modes. If the printer is configured for byte responses, the code ASCII
0x22 is issued from the printer in response to an enquiry command. This sensor and
response is intended to provide the user with the flexibility for custom configurations.
The “>RESTARTED<” response is issued the first time the printer’s status is queried after a
power up or reset condition while in verbose and/or semi byte responses. If the printer is
configured for byte responses, the code ASCII 0x80 will be issued from the printer in
response to an enquiry command.
>READY< (81)
The “>READY<” response indicates that the printer is in the normal operating state and that
it is ready to accept data while in text and verbose response sets. If the printer is configured
for byte responses, the code ASCII 0x81 will be issued from the printer in response to an
enquiry command.
>BUSY< (82)
The “>BUSY<” response indicates that the printer is performing an operation that prevents
the printer from accepting data while in text and verbose response sets. If the printer is
configured for byte responses, the code ASCII 0x82 will be issued from the printer in
response to an enquiry command.
>PAUSED< (83)
The “>PAUSED<” response indicates that the printer’s printing capabilities have been
paused while in text and verbose response sets. The printer will continue to receive data
while in the >PAUSED< state. The printer may be put into the paused condition by either
issuing the “Ctrl+X” combination or by pressing the print button while the printer is printing.
Issuing the “Ctrl+X” combination or pressing the print button a second time will cause the
printer to resume. If the printer is configured for byte responses, the ASCII code 0x83 will
be issued from the printer in response to an enquiry command.
The “>PRINTING<” response indicates that the printer is currently printing while in text and
verbose response sets. If the printer is configured for byte responses, the code ASCII 0x84
will be issued from the printer in response to an enquiry command.