Microcom LDSII User Manual
Page 41

Chapter 2
Printer Commands
LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123
2.3.12 ^D340)filename
(Load/Save File)
“^D340)” command causes the printer to take the ensuing data transfer as a binary file
upload from the host. The file will then be permanently stored in the printer’s flash memory
until it is explicitly erased. The printer will currently accept the following file types: 1-bit
(monochrome) BMP graphics, and MCF
’s (Microcom Corporation Converted Font). The file
transfer can be sent in uncompressed or PKZIP compatible compressed formats. A ^E
(0x05) character may be sent to the printer during the download without any negative
effects towards the file size. The ^D340) command has three parts, which are name, file
size, and comment. Both the name and file size are required while the comment is optional.
The filename and/or comment may contain to a maximum of 20 characters in length and
include any character from ASCII 0x20 and 0x41 to 0x7A (alphabetical characters plus
]_’and SP (space character)) with the exception of the caret (^) character. Script filenames
can not use a leading zero (“0”) or 0x30 characters.
When saving MCF files, the chosen name should include the “_” (underscore character)
followed by the point size; see the examples below.
Command Syntax: ^D340)filename, file size, comment (optional)
Example 1:
Example 2:
“^D340) graphic, 2862, my graphic”
Example 2 would save a BMP file titled “graphic” and a comment “my graphic” into the
printer’s flash memory. The printer will automatically detect the file type of the ensuing data
and save it as such.
2.3.13 ^D341)type
(List Catalog)
This command
is used to list the files stored in the printer’s flash memory. The list reports
the files name (user file CI), any associated comments, file type, and the file size of all file
types. This command should only be issued from outside a script file and not entered from
a script file.
Issuing this command with the “?” as the argument also causes the listing to be
generated. The ^D341) command may contain a search string type to limit a search for
specific file types.
The valid parameters for “type” are listed below.
List all file types
List only graphic file types
List only bitmapped font file types
List only script file types
2.3.14 ^D342)filename
(Delete File)
This command is used to delete a stored font, graphic, or script. The filename must match a
saved file name and/or contain the wild card character (*) for the stored file to be properly
deleted. This would include any space characters that were entered when saving the file.