Microcom 428T User Manual
Page 129

Chapter 5
Printer Commands
428T Operator’s Manual - 880037-0140 5-55
^Ax deletes the graphics in slot #x.
xxyy 107 Save Compressed GRAPHICS to RAM.
(See Chapter 6, Downloadable Graphics)
119 Display Memory Allocation.
This command shows how all of the RAM and FLASH memory is being used
Example display from the ^D119 command:
Ram Based Fonts/Graphics(TCI=8) - [file number(CGN), size, type]
[2,4625, Font set]
Slot #2 in RAM has a FONT that is 4,625 bytes
Ram Based Formats - [file number, size]
Slot #2 in FORMAT RAM has a FORMAT that is 176 bytes.
Total Ram Memory Available - 258335
There are 258,335 bytes of RAM available
Flash Based Fonts/Graphics(TCI=7) - [file number(CGN), banks used, type]
[1,1, Graphic]
Slot #1 of FONT flash has a GRAPHIC that takes up 1 bank (64Kbyte)
Font/Graphic Flash Memory Banks Available - 119
There are 119 banks of 64KB open.
Flash Based Formats - [file number, size]
Slot #1 of FORMAT flash has a FORMAT file that is 176 bytes.
Format Flash Memory Available - 65359
There are 65,359bytes of FORMAT flash open.
Label Memory - [size, available]
The difference is the amount of memory to process current format.
NOTES: RAM GRAPHICS can extend beyond the starting slot # into
sequential ones. RAM formats are numbered #1 to #128 (RAM FONTS are
limited to 64K in size.)
122 Display Available FONT/GRAPHICS FLASH memory.
This command is used to display the amount of FONT/GRAPHICS FLASH
memory available in bytes in the form >xxxxxxx< where xxxxxxx is the number
of available bytes.
xxyy 127 Save FONTS to RAM.
(See Chapter 7, Downloadable Fonts)
130 Save a FORMAT to FLASH. (non-volatile memory)
The ^Axx selects the memory slot (1- 128) into which the format is to be
saved. A format file must be terminated by an ESC (HEX 1B) or “[“(left
bracket) character to save the format.
How to Save a Label FORMAT to FLASH:
1) Create the FORMAT file with ^Axx^D130 at the top to tell the printer
to store into FLASH Slot #xx.
2) Send the file to the printer using a standard communications