Meinberg TCR LANTIME User Manual

Page 27

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IRIG system state: Bit 7 ... 0

Bit 7:

Invalid UTC parameter

Bit 6:

TCAP exceeded, jitter out of range

Bit 5:

Lock on

Bit 4:

Telegramm error

Bit 3:

Data available

Bit 2:

Invalid sysconf

Bit 1:

Pulses enabled

Bit 0:

Warmed up

Invalid UTC parameter: This bit is set to one if the checksum of the ‘Offset from
UTC’ parameter, which must be used if no IEEE1344 extensions are available, is
invalid. User must enter new ‘Offset from UTC’ data to clear this bit. Please note that
the IRIG-receiver never leaves freewheeling mode if IEEE1344 is disabled and the
UTC-Parameter are invalid!

TCAP exceeded, jitter out of range: If the jitter between two consecutive IRIG-
telegrams exceeds +/- 100us the receiver switches into freewheeling mode and the
‘TCAP exceeded’ Bit is set. ‘TCAP exceeded’ is cleared if the measured jitter is
below +/- 100us.

Lock on: ‘Lock On’ is set whenever the receiver is in synchronous mode and the
internal oscillator correction value has settled.

Telegram error: This bit is set if the cosistency check of two consecutive IRIG-
telegrams fails. The IRIG-receiver switches into freewheling mode if ‘telegram error’
is set.

Data available: ‘data available’ is set if the receiver can read the timecode.

Invalid sysconf: If ‘invalid sysconf’ is set the checksum of the system configuration
data is invalid. In this case the default mode ‘IEEE1344 disabled’ is selected. User
must cycle the system or enter a new system configuration in the IRIG-parameter

Pulses enabled: The pulse per second (PPS) signal which increases the NTP’s
acurracy is turned when ‘lock on’ is set the first time. The ‘pulses enabled’ bit is set if
the PPS signal is enabled.

IRIG system configuration Bit 2 ... 0

Bit 7 ... 4:


Bit 3:

ignore Day Of Year enabled

Bit 2:

ignore TFOM

Bit 1:

ignore SYNC

Bit 0:

IEEE 1344 enabled


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