Meinberg TCR LANTIME User Manual
Page 26

The menus in Detail
Root Menu
The root menu is shown when the receiver has completed initialisation after power-
up. The left side of the first line of the display shows the receiver’s mode of operation
as described above. If the antenna is disconnected or not working properly, the text
"ANTENNA FAULTY" is displayed instead. The second line shows the offset of this
reference clock to the local time (in this example the offset is 1 ms).
NTP: Offset TCR: -1ms UTC 10:04:10
On the right side of the display the current date, the name of the time zone (the time
zone is always UTC) and time are monitored. If the "SYNC Simulation" option is
enabled an "*" will be shown behind the time.
If the NEXT key is pressed from the root menu a submenu is displayed showing the
receiver’s software revision of the LANTIME software and the TCR510 flash
LANTIME:4.05 SN:000000000000
TCR510 :1.01 SN:9008890
If the NEXT key is pressed twice from the root menu a submenu is displayed showing
the NTP software version, the operating system version and the MAC address of the
integrated net card.
NTP:4.2.0 OS:2.4.20
HWaddr: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Pressing NEXT the third time the fingerprint of the SSH key is displayed:
1024 b2:a7:95:c1:fa:eb:de:9a:92:05:33:e4
:47:68:eb:91 LanV4
Menu IRIG state
Pressing MENU in the root menu is shown when the single board computer has
completed initialisation after power-up. The first line of the display shows the system
state with 8 options described above. On the right side the AGC (Automatic Gain
Control of the input signal) value in hexadecimal will be shown. The second line will
display the drift in [us] of the internal oscillator, the TFOM value (Time Figure Of
Merit: the quality of the IRIG-signal, only used with IEEE 1344) and the current
system configuration:
IRIG Receiver State: --**--*- AGC:0xFF
Drift:-00001us TFOM:0xFF SysConf:0x00