Meinberg TCR LANTIME User Manual
Page 131

Menu Script Files
The name of the script file which will be activated when pressing the CLR/ACK
button on a submenu will be defined in the Menu configuration file. The script files
consists of commands using in a Telnet session (like „cp“ or „rm“). The following
example will copy the Lantime configuration file from the USB stick to the internal
flash of the Lantime.
mount -o remount, rw /mnt/flash
cp /mnt/flash/global_configuration /mnt/flash/global_configuration.old
cp /mnt/usb_storage/my_config /mnt/flash/global_configuration
mount -o remount, ro /mnt/flash
Be aware that the internal flash of the Lantime is read only mounted. If you want to
copy files to the internal flash of the Lantime the internal flash have to be remounted
for writing (use the command: „mount -o remount, rw /mnt/flash“).
Keypad locking
The USB stick can be used for locking the buttons of the Lantime LC display.
Activating this feature the user cannot use the buttons without connecting the USB
stick to Lantime. The access authorisation has been realized with a password file on
the USB stick “/mnt/usb_storage/Lantime/keypad_lock“. This password file will be
compared with “/mnt/flash/keypad_lock“. So it is possible to manage different
Lantime with one USB stick.
The keypad locking will be activated with a submenu from the USB stick:
When activating this submenu the file “/mnt/usb_storage/Lantime/keypad_lock“ will
be copied to the internal flash. When de-activating the keypad locking this file will be
removed from the internal flash.
remove front panel keypad locking
prepare front panel keypad locking