Legrand Access 5000 Large Capacity Raceway Entrance End Fitting User Manual
5010a entrance end fitting, Installation instructions
5010A Entrance End Fitting
Installation Instructions
The Entrance End Fitting is used to provide an end feed to Access™ 5000 Raceway with 1/2" or 3/4"
conduit. Installation should be as shown with side walls of the Fitting Base and Raceway Base aligned.
Access 5000 Raceway installed at baseboard level should be spaced a minimum of 1/8" above the floor
level. This will facilitate the assembly/disassembly of the End Fitting Cover.
Fitting Base
Raceway Base
Raceway Cover
Fitting Cover
©1995 The Wiremold Company
40932 695
The Wiremold Company
60 Woodlawn Street
West Hartford CT 06133-2500
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