IHSE USA 234 Series VTO2/VRO2 KVM-Extender User Manual
IHSE USA Equipment

Welcome to the VTO2/VRO2 V6.00 KVM-
Extender Family!
Thank you for purchasing a VTO2/VRO2 V6.00 KVM-Extender model. We appreciate your
business, and we think you’ll appreciate the many ways that your enhanced keyboard/video/
mouse system will save you money, time, and effort.
That’s because our VTO2/VRO2 V6.00 KVM-Extender not only allows you to remotely
locate a console (Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse + optional serial/audio devices) over great
distances without any loss in signal quality (up to 1000m/3250ft) but also to do this in an EMI
hazardous environment.
Wherever you have great distances: airports, roller plants, distributed data centres; or in a
range of applications where you have large electromagnetic generators or loads, magnetic
resonance tomographs, induction furnaces, current generators; the VTO2/VRO2 V6.00
KVM-Extender is a solution for remotely locating your console. Three different models cover
a range of applications: a VGA-only extender – for when you just need a remote display
screen; a KVM extender for a standard remote console – Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse; and
a third unit with KVM extension and additional serial and bi-directional audio support. This
device is also suitable for computers equipped with a serial mouse or touch screen.
This manual will tell you all about your new VTO2/VRO2 V6.00 KVM-Extender, including
how to install, operate, and troubleshoot it. For an introduction to the Extender,
see Chapter 2. The Extender product codes covered in this manual are:
K234-9W: KVM-Extender for VGA, PS2-Keyboard/Mouse + Serial/Audio
K235-9W: KVM-Extender for VGA, PS2-Keyboard/Mouse
K236-9W: Extender for VGA only