Preparation – Hoefer SE300 miniVE User Manual

Page 27

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Optional: Passive cooling

Chill approximately 2 liters of deionized water
to 4 °C. (Filling the tank with chilled water
serves as a heat sink during electrotransfer.)

Prepare transfer buffer

Stack assembly requires approximately 250 ml
transfer buffer and an additional 300 – 350 ml
buffer is required to fill each module. The recipe
for Towbin buffer is listed below. The Bibliogra-
phy on page 26 lists sources for other buffers.

Towbin buffer

(25 mM Tris, 192 mM glycine, 0–20% (v/v) methanol,
pH 8.3, 1 liter)

Tris (FW 121.1)

25 mM

3.0 g

Glycine (FW 75.07)

192 mM

14.4 g

SDS* (FW 288.4)

up to 0.1% (3.5 mM)

1.0 g

*Optional: Adding SDS can improve transfer efficiency.

Dissolve in 750 ml distilled water.

Add methanol as required.

Depending on the membrane type selected, adding
methanol can improve the transfer results. Because
buffers containing methanol may deteriorate if stored
for long periods, add methanol just prior to transfer.

Bring to 1 liter with distilled water. Do not adjust the
pH, which should be between 8.2 and 8.4.

Optional: Chill before use.