Denso BHT-100Q User Manual
Page 85

Chapter 2. Getting Started the BHT and System Mode
Setting the communications protocol type
Selecting the "4:PROTOCOL TYPE" on the SET COM
menu calls up the screen shown at left.
Highlighted is the current setting.
1 BHT Protocol:
Selects the BHT-protocol for
downloading or uploading
files in System Mode or for
the execution of XFILE state-
ment in BHT-BASIC.
This protocol should be se-
lected for file transmission
with Transfer Utility.
2 BHT-Ir Protocol: Selects the BHT-Ir protocol for
downloading or uploading
files in System Mode or for
the execution of XFILE state-
ment in BHT-BASIC.
This protocol should be se-
lected for file transmission
with Ir-Transfer Utility C/Ir-
Transfer Utility E.
Select a desired item by using the numerical keys
or M1 and M2 keys, and then press the ENT key.
To return to the SET COM menu, press the C key.