2 checkme!® input form (continued), Grant form, Indoor unit – Fieldpiece HG3 - Wireless HVAC Guide System Analyzer User Manual

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5.2 CheckMe!® INPUT FORM (continued)

Sys Type

(System Type) Default: AC (Air Conditioning). Other selections:

H Pump Heat (heat pump in heating mode), H Pump Cool (heat pump

in cooling mode) or Geothermal.

Grant and Sys Info

Default: None. Other selections: New or a previ-

ously created Grant. Unless you are working under a Grant program,

usually through a utility or government, then the Grant will remain as

None. You can also use this feature to track extra measurements or sys-

tem information.


In parts of the United States, CheckMe!® is used to verify that a system is

tuned to the highest standards and qualify the work for grants. Grants typi-

cally require you to track additional information about the system in order

to qualify for the tax rebates or other incentives. Contact your local utility to

learn how to become a grant participant.

After you have selected "New" or a pre-existing grant from the list of

grants you will be taken to the GRANT FORM. The Grant form allows you

to create new grants in accordance with particular specifications.

Grant and Sys Info

Use alpha-numeric characters to manually input and

name this grant. Once created you can access this grant for future tests.

Optional Inputs

Optional inputs can be added to the INPUT FORM for

the new grant you have created. By turning these to "Yes" you will see

them on the INPUT FORM when this grant is selected.

List of inputs: Indoor Model No. (number), Furnace Model No. (num-

ber), ID VOLTS (voltage of indoor unit), ID Full Ld Amps (full load run-

ning amperage of indoor unit), Supply WB (supply wet bulb), Sup Plen

Press (supply plenum pressure, static), Ret Plen Press (return plenum

pressure, static), Evap Fan Amp (evaporator fan amperage), Test (ini-

tial or after repair), Outdoor Model No (number), Outdoor Year (year

manufactured of the outdoor unit), Outdoor Serial No (serial number of

the outdoor unit), OD Volts (voltage of the outdoor unit).

Advanced Tolerances

These are some of the basic error tolerances

which the CheckMe! program uses to determine if a system is perform-

ing properly. Some grants have different tolerances on parameters such

as superheat and airflow. This is where you can adjust the tolerances. By

adjusting these numbers you will change the way systems are evaluated

by the CheckMe! for this particular grant.

Press the SAVE button to save your changes and return to the CheckMe!



All temperature and pressure measurements must be taken after the unit

reaches steady state (generally 15 minutes of continuous operation).

Meter Device

(Metering Device) Default: TXV/EXV. Other: Fixed.

Return DB

(Dry Bulb) and

Return WB

(Wet Bulb) Take measurements

very close to or within the return air side of the air handler (not at the

return grille since temperatures and humidity change by the time the air

reaches the indoor coil). Wet the wet bulb sensor (ATWB1) and insert

it after 15 minutes of continuous running. Insert the dry bulb sensor

(ATA1) through the same hole. They can be clipped together between

the filter and the evaporator coil if the filter is upstream from the coil.

Watch the wet bulb temperature; it will drop and then stabilize. The wet

bulb temperature is the stabilized reading. If the sensor starts to dry out,

the reading will rise and the wrong temperature will be recorded. If the

filter is not directly upstream of the air handler, make small holes in the

return plenum just big enough for the probes. Seal any holes before leav-

ing the job site.

Supply DB

(Supply Dry Bulb Leaving Indoor Coil) Measure in the center

of the supply plenum. Make a small hole in the supply plenum and insert

a calibrated dry bulb thermocouple such as the ATA1 or ATB1. Deter-

mine the average air temperature in the supply plenum.