DNF Controls DC20 User Manual

Page 15

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Flex Control Network


, DC20 / DC21 User Manual

Page 15


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C. Serial Physical Configuration


Click on the “Protocol Assignment” link at the top of the page.

The Protocol Assignment Table will be displayed.


Click on “Edit” field under the "PHY Configuration". An edit

widow will be displayed.


Click on drop down arrow field under the "Baud Rate" field and

chose the Baud rate for the communications protocol of the
device which is connected to the DC20 (typically "38400" for all

protocols; Sony, Odet, VDCP, NXIO).


Click on drop down arrow field under the "Stop Bit" field and

chose the number of stop bits for the communications protocol
of the device which is connected to the DC20 (typically "1" for
all protocols; Sony, Odet, VDCP, NXIO).


Click on drop down arrow field under the "Parity" field and
chose the number of stop bits for the communications protocol

of the device which is connected to the DC20 (typically "ODD"
for all protocols; Sony, Odet, VDCP, NXIO).


Click on drop down arrow field under the "Char Size" field and
chose the number of data bits for the communications protocol

of the device which is connected to the DC20 (typically "8" for
all protocols; Sony, Odet, VDCP, NXIO).


Click on drop down arrow field under the "Operation Mode" field

and chose the mode of operation for the communications
protocol of the device which is connected to the DC20 (typically

"CONTROLLER" for all protocols; Sony, Odet, VDCP, NXIO).


Click on “SAVE” to save the entered values
Click on “BACK” to exit without saving entered values.

This manual is related to the following products: