Snmp manager control, Escape sequence control, Making connection via ethernet and serial – Dataprobe RSS Series User Manual

Page 23: Command syntax, Response syntax

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RSS Series

Page 23

4.15. SNMP Manager Control

The IPC-16-R allows for management via SNMP. The private MIB is available from the Dataprobe Web Site at:

MIB Outline and MIB Definitions can be found in Section 7

4.16. Escape Sequence Control

The IPC-16-R can be controlled via command line messages sent either over the serial port or using TCP
messaging over the Ethernet port. This allows streamlined communication between the IPC-16-R and network
management systems or computer based monitor and control systems. Programming support is available.
Contact Dataprobe Applications Engineering.


Making Connection via Ethernet and Serial

The IPC-16-R uses the TCP (Transport Communication Protocol) to communicate with the client PC. To use
the IPC-16-R , establish a TCP connection (Stream Socket) to the IPC-16-R. Be sure to use the Port assigned
to the IPC-16-R , either Port 9100 or the port assigned through the Setup Menus. Once connected use the
Send() function to send the commands to the IPC-16-R and the Recv() function to receive the IPC-16-

R ’s


For the serial port of the IPC-16-R, connection via the serial port requires only setting the computer to the proper
baud rate and character format.


Command Syntax





The ASCII escape character (0x1b)



The IPC-16-R password in ASCII (case sensitive)



The ASCII control 'a' character (0x01)



The number of the card to be changed, with or with out leading 0's (a or A = all)\



The ASCII control 'b' character (0x02)



The command to be executed:

a or A - Switch selected card to A

b or B - Switch selected card to B

q or Q - Display the status of the selected card



The ASCII Carriage Return (0x0d)

The < and > in the syntax above are only to delineate the control characters and should not be sent.

Example: To switch card 7 to B send PASS<^a>7<^b>B


Response Syntax

The syntax for the command response is.

Example: 01A



The number of the card.



The status of the card either A, or B.



The ASCII carriage return character