Operation – Dataprobe RSS Series User Manual
Page 15

RSS Series
Page 15
Card Setup: This allows setting of parameters for individual A/B cards in the system. Each card can be named, up
to 20 characters, and can be enabled or disabled. Disabling a card hides its status from web and telnet screens.
This should be used where no card is installed, to make reading the screens easier.
Password: A password from 1 to 15 characters is needed for access to the system. Re-enter the old password
then enter the new password twice as prompted.
Com Port: Set the Baud Rate and Character Format for the serial port. Baud rate choices are 9600, 19200, and
38400. Character format choices are 8N1, 7E1 and 7O1 (databits, parity, stop bit).
The Default Serial Port Parameters are 9600, 8 Data Bits, No Parity, One Stop Bit (9600,8,N,1)
Escape Response: This selects Yes or No for escape code responses. See section 3.4.3 on escape code control
Web Port, Telnet Port, Message Port: These three settings determine the port assignment for the different TCP
protocols used to communicate with the control card. Standard port assignments for these protocols are:
WEB: 80
Telnet: 23
Message: 9100
If you change these assignments, you will need to specify them when you connect to the IPC-16-R. For example if
the IP address of the IPC-16-R is and you have changed the web port to 8800, then you would need
the following URL to access the IPC-16-R:
Note: After changing the IP Address, Web Port, Telnet Port or Com Port parameters, it is necessary to reboot the
Card. Do this by entering selection “System Reset”, item 6 in the System Setup Menu displayed in the CLI
during a Telnet session, or momentarily powering Off the power to the chassis power supply. Power cycling the
power source to the chassis power supply will insure no unintentional changes in switch positions of any A/B Card in
the chassis.
MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit. Set the MTU from 100 to 1024. The default of 1024 should not be changed
unless required by network architecture.
Read and Write Community Names: These settings are for use with SNMP managers only. Set the names as
appropriate for your SNMP configuration.
SNMP Managers: Set up to four SNMP managers that will receive SNMP TRAPs. Other SNMP managers will be
able to manage the system.
4.12. Operation
Remote control of each or all A/B Cards is accomplished using either TCP/IP protocols for Web browser (http) ,
Telnet, or direct TCP messaging. Each card in the chassis can be operated independently, or all 16 A/B cards can
be operated simultaneously. In all cases, switch control is password protected.