Cadac SAM User Manual
Page 96

Sound Automation Manager
Revision SAM2005-2
Sam Configuration 2-1
Sam Setup 2-9
Sam.Cfg 6-9
SamSetup 2-1
Save 6-2
save a console configuration 2-6
Save As 6-2
Save Links 6-8
Saving a frame configuration 2-4
Saving a show 6-2
Saving data to a cue 4-6
saving the link-set as a file 6-8
Séance 1-2
Séance network port 2-8
Select the desired console 2-1
Select user 5-2
Selecting cues 4-5
Sequence 8-9
Shift click 3-3
Show All Links 6-6
standard MIDI-file 8-12
start-up options 5-1
Static MIDI 8-2
step time 9-5
TCP/IP software 1-2
the order or sequence of the cues 4-5
Title Bar 3-2
title colour 4-11
Tool Bar(s) 3-3
Undo 4-12
undo an Import or GetMaps 2-7
Undo List 4-12
Update Séance 2-9
update the Seance program 2-9
USA or Japan format 8-6
User Properties 5-3
User Setup files 5-6
Using the module names 7-6