Cadac SAM User Manual
Page 94

Sound Automation Manager
Revision SAM2005-2
Event names 8-14
Events 8-13
Exporting a console configuration 2-6
External actions 8-15
Fader detail window 7-3
Fader frame(s) 7-2
Frame configuration 2-3
Function keys 3-3
Get Maps 2-10
Grid Class Views 5-5
history of mixes for a cue 9-3
Importing a console configuration 2-5
Insert 4-7
insert a new cue 4-7
Installing from CD-ROM 1-1
Installing from Floppy Disc 1-2
Last User Settings 5-1
Left click 3-3
Load Links 6-8
Locate 8-7
Lock Views 3-2
locked cursors 4-4
Locking and unlocking the cursors 4-2
conflict 6-4
Load from console 6-4
Load from show 6-5
Maste Title Database View 7-8
Master faders 7-8
Menu Bar 3-2
Advanced mapping features 8-1
Converting a standard MIDI sequence 8-12
Dynamic MIDI data 8-8
Features 8-1
Machine Control 8-7
Merging of MIDI sequences 8-10
MIDI data 8-2
names 8-6
port mapping 8-1
Program Change 8-5
ripple-through 8-5
Sequence attachment dialog box 8-10
sequence control 8-11
Sequence List 8-9
SysEx View 8-8
USA or Japan format 8-6