3 midi program change, 1 entering data for midi program change, 16 0,',#3urjudp#&kdqjh – Cadac SAM User Manual

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MIDI features


Revision SAM2005-2

Sound Automation Manager





You can use the MIDI program change function, for instance, to change the memory
settings on an external sound effects unit. This is done by sending MIDI commands
from the computer to the equipment you want to control.

Click on the icon MIDI Program Change to open the associated window, (see

fig 8-


). The first column shows the cue number and the rest of the columns show the

channels. There can be up to 16 channels on each port, the required port being
selected by clicking on the Tab at the top of the view. The data for a channel can be

between 0 – 127 (1 – 128 Japanese format)


and it refers to a memory number in the

unit you want to control. For instance, you may have an echo box which has five dif-
ferent types of echoes, numbered program 1 to program 5, stored in its memory. If
you want echo program number three on channel 1 in cue 1, double-click the box

Channel A1/Cue 1, type in 3 and press Enter



Continue to enter data into any of the other boxes in the same way; just double-click
the box and type in a number. Remember to press Enter to end editing or a shift+
arrow key to move to another cell. Note that the MIDI program change window fea-
tures a “ripple-through” effect (see

7.6.1 Ripple-through feature

), meaning that all

subsequent boxes in the same column in which you enter your data, will get the
same data. If you, for instance, enter 123 for Cue 5.00/channel A3, all cues subse-
quent to this cue will get this value. This data (the ripple-through data) will be shown
in red as opposed to the first box, in which the text will be green.

The text entered is referred to as “real data” and the automatic entries are referred to
as “ripple through data”. If you subsequently edit the “real data”, then the “ripple
through data” will change with it.


See section 8.3.2 USA or Japan format


Note that you may need to check the instruction manual for the MIDI-device to ensure that
the program number is the same as the Program Change number.


FIG 8-10. Enter Program change data.