Cadac SAM User Manual
Page 74

MIDI features
Sound Automation Manager
Revision SAM2005-2
The port designation represents the virtual port which may be “mapped” to a physical
device as explained in section 8.1, whereas the channel number is a conceptual
number contained within the data transmitted.
To enter data for the MIDI commands, double-click in a suitable ‘cell’ in the grid of
data. If SAM has started editing - indicated by the cell being displayed with the high-
light background colour - then editing can continue by moving the target around the
cells, using the shift and arrow keys.
If a NOTE ON or NOTE OFF is entered, SAM will automatically set the velocity to 64
in accordance with the MIDI specification. This parameter can, of course, be edited
should this be required.
FIG 8-8. Enter values for Note-ON and velocity.
FIG 8-9. Enter value for Note-OFF and velocity.