Introduction, Qwurgxfwlrq – Cadac F-Type User Manual
Page 7

Revision F2005-2
The F-Type mixing console was designed especially for the live sound industry
where large numbers of loudspeakers are required to deliver the sound to the audi-
ence. In addition to an integrated show based cue recall system, F-Type has the fol-
lowing features:
Routing to 12 sub groups
A 12 X 24 output matrix
Channel direct outputs (optional)
8 stereo auxiliary sends switchable pre/post, on/off (or 16 mono aux sends)
4 band parametric equalizer plus high and low-pass filters per channel
VCA channel faders with up to 12 DC Master faders
Motor fader option
One of the major features of the F-Type console is that module positions may be
changed at will. Each module carries its own connectors, and “standard wiring” is
applied to every module position in the frame. Users have the ability to change the
format of the console at any time. The only thing you must remember is that when
modules are re-arranged, you must “re-map” the console in order to use the automa-
tion facilities! A version for
fixed installations can also be supplied, but the extra
frame wiring required in order that the console can interface directly with a jack field
via “multi-way connectors”, then fixes module positions as in most other consoles.
Touring companies who use a jack-field, but still require the flexibility of variable mod-
ule positions add a ‘multi-way connector to XLR’ wiring pod at the rear of each frame
in the console, known as the “dog-house”.
The basic F-Type system
F-Type consoles can be supplied in almost any configuration defined by the cus-
tomer. Relatively small consoles (32 input channels, 12 group modules, 2 aux send
modules, CCM and an Osc./PFL/Comms. module) can be assembled in a single
frame, whereas larger consoles require a multi-frame format. Up to 4 separate
frames may be specified, each frame having a maximum of 63 module positions.
Input channels can be supplied with one or two inputs. Either input can be used for
microphone or line level sources. Each input has a programmable “On” switch which
allows both inputs to be mixed relative to the individual gain settings. Main signal
routing is to 12 sub-groups with selectable pan pot (pan pot in/out switch is program-
mable), 16 mono Aux Sends or 8 stereo Aux Sends. An insert point is provided
before the equalizer with balanced send and return and the insert switch is program-
mable. The 4 band parametric equalizer high and low-pass filters (with individual “on/
off” switches for each filter) can be selected to I/P 1, I/P 2 or both. The EQ IN/OUT
and FILTER ON/OFF switches are programmable. The Direct Output (optional) is
switchable between Pre or Post fader. The fader is integrated into the module.
Up to 12 group modules may be specified, each containing a DC Master fader, audio
sub-group mixing amplifier, fader, additional input to the mixing bus, sub group insert
point, sub group output with LED meter and routing potentiometers for 24 Matrix
groups (1A to 12 A and 1B to 12B). The upper part of the module contains two Matrix
groups with individual mixing amplifiers, matrix group insert points, output level
potentiometers, additional inputs to the mixing busses and the matrix outputs. All
three INSERT switches are programmable.
Up to 240 input channels with VCA faders plus 12 DC master faders may be speci-
fied. The channels and/or group modules can be supplied with motor faders.
Two other audio modules are supplied as standard - Aux mix groups 1A to 8A (or 1B
to 8B for the 16 Aux version); Oscillator (multi-frequency sine wave plus pink noise),
PFL, Communications.