1 saving a cue, 2 recalling a cue – Cadac F-Type User Manual
Page 37

Central Control Module 7896
Revision F2005-2
Save internal memory n Mem n Sve
Clear internal memory n Mem n Clr
(where n is a number 0 - 9)
Explain a warning LED (if applicable) Err
Start the “System setup” menu Sys
The P(revious) and N(ext) buttons can always be used at any time to recall the previ-
ous or next cue from the PC to the console.
It is not necessary to give a complete four digit cue number, for example, cue
25.0 can be entered as just “25”.
When a memory is “Cleared” all switches are set to be OFF, all fader groups to 0
and all master displays to be blank.
To save a Cue, the CCM must be at one of its “root” displays, (see above for descrip-
tions of the root displays). You can always get back to the root display by pressing
the [Esc] key one or two times.
Enter the number required for the Cue, using the CCM keypad and press the [Sve]
The console status will be saved to that Cue number (in RAM) and the Cue number
will appear in the Cue List Window on the PC.
If the Cue number already exists, the CCM display will prompt with “Overwrite
CUE?”. Similarly, the PC will prompt with:
“Cue n exists
Press ENTER to overwrite”
Press [
] to confirm or [Esc] to cancel. You may use the keys on the CCM key-
pad or the equivalent keys on the PC's keyboard.
If you press the [Sve] key with no number, the system will try to save the console sta-
tus to the Cue at the current pointer on the PC and will respond with the same
prompts as set out above. This does not apply if there are no Cues in the Cue List
Window, (this would be the case if you were starting to program a new Show). When
the Cue List Window is empty, [Sve] creates a Cue and gives it the number 1.0.
An invalid Cue number, (outside the range 0.01 to 9999.99), will result in the error
prompt “Bad cue number”, on the CCM display, and “Bad cue number from CCM”, on
the PC monitor. Press [
] or [Esc] to continue.
To recall a Cue, the CCM must be at one of its “root” displays, (see above for descrip-
tions of the root displays). You can always get back to the root display by pressing
the [Esc] key one or two times.
Enter the number required for the Cue, using the CCM keypad and press the [Rcl]
If the Cue number exists, the console status will be updated to the data contained in
that Cue number (the last time it was saved).
If the Cue number does not exist, the CCM display will show the error prompt, “non-
existent cue” and the PC will show the error as “Cue n does not exist”. Press [
] or
[Esc] to continue.