8 2.0 enable, 9 track playback routing, 10 group to stereo – Cadac C-Type User Manual

Page 28: 11 panning in, 12 panning left, 13 panning right, 14 pre/post fader, 15 insert, 16 pfl, 17 mute

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Dual Mono Group & Playback Module 8063


Revision C2005-2



Press this button to enable Left-Right panning to the monitors.



Selector buttons for routing of group to monitor module.

614143 *URXS#WR#6WHUHR

Rotary control adjusting panning to the left and right stereo recording busses.

614144 3DQQLQJ#,1

Press this button to activate the panning feature.

614145 3DQQLQJ#/HIW

Press this button to select Panning to the left recording bus.

614146 3DQQLQJ#5LJKW

Press this button to select panning to the right recording bus.

614147 3UH23RVW#IDGHU

This button is used to select insert point PRE or POST fader.

614148 ,QVHUW

Press this button to select Insert IN.

614149 3)/

This electronically latching button is under control of the HOLD and CLEAR function
on the Stereo Group module 8064 and allows pre-fader checking of the group signal.

61414: 087(

When pressed, the MUTE button breaks the post fader signal path.

61414; )DGHU

A 100mm conductive plastic fader used to control the Group recording level, provid-
ing 10dB gain when fully open.