BUG-O Systems Piper-Plus User Manual
Page 35

10.1.4 Weave Speed – This column provides the default data for the speed at which the weaver
will move the welding gun from side to side during oscillation.
10.1.5 Weave Delay – This value is the amount of time that the initiation of the weaving motion will
be delayed from the moment the start button is pressed.
10.1.6 Weave Mode – This function allows the Administrator to select the weave motion with respect
to tractor motion.
a. Straight Line – If the upper left button is selected, the machine is set to move in a
straight line. No weaver motion will occur.
b. Stop on Dwells – If the upper right button is selected, the machine will pause all
motion during the dwell.
c. Travel on Dwells – If the lower left button is selected, the forward travel will occur only
during the dwells. The weaver arm does not move during the dwells in this mode.
d. Constant Motion – If the lower right button is selected, both the tractor and the weaver
will continue to move during dwells. This constant motion mode of travel is the default.