BUG-O Systems Piper-Plus User Manual

Page 28

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7.4 PIN Number – The PIN number can be a maximum of five digits. Only the numbers 0 - 9

are allowed. If you forget the PIN number, you will have to start the machine with a specially

prepared USB stick that unlocks a special setup and programming menu and delete your

global configuration settings. You will have to recalibrate the machine.

Bug-O Systems

recommends for users to make record of their PIN Number in a secure location.

7.5 Set Min Gas – By setting the minimum acceptable gas flow, the machine can initiate a stop if

the gas flow drops below this set value, thus preventing a weld that would be unsatisfactory

due to insufficient gas flow. This value is not in any specific units. It is simply an analog

voltage from the gas flow sensor. To set this value, adjust your gas flow regulator to the

desired minimum acceptable value, and then click Set Min Gas. The gas will purge for 10

seconds, giving you time to adjust the regulator. It will then sample values for five seconds. It

will average the values and display the minimum value. Set your regulator back to its proper

value. If the gas flow drops below this minimum level, the machine will display an error three

times and then stop. This function can be disabled by setting this value to 0.

7.6 Auto Reverse – This function allows the system to run in reverse every time the operator

enters the Run screen. If the machine is always going to be run in reverse, you can enable

Auto Reverse so you don’t have to rely on the operator to click Reverse on the running

screen. See SECTION 4.8 for details on the Reverse function.

7.7 Lock Reverse – This function locks the Reverse button on the Run screen. With this function

active, the operator cannot change the operating direction.

7.8 Default Units – This function sets the units that are used when parameter data is stored in

the system. This can also be selected for each individual pass during creation of the pass.

7.9 Data Logging – Data logging can be turned on and off. Data logging is included with the


7.10 Water Cooler – For the Piper Plus, the Water Cooling option should be left off. Monitoring of

water flow is handled by the Lincoln Electric Power Wave


S350 and AutoDrive


19. If you

are using a water cooled torch, the water cooler must be on and the sensor connected to the

Lincoln Electric AutoDrive


19 to operate the feeder. If water flow is not detected, it will not be

possible to weld. If water flow is lost during a weld, the weld will stop.

7.11 Save/Cancel – Any changes made within the Global Configuration Screen will only be

applied to the system if the Save button is pressed. If Cancel is selected, the screen will

revert to the Main Screen but no data will be saved.