BUG-O Systems Piper-Plus User Manual
Page 24

5.2 Full Function Pendant – (Figure 5.2) The Full Function pendant is equipped with a small LCD
screen that provides information to the operator such as the pass being run and the specific
welding data being modified. The pendant is used to control the machine. It can also be used
to make adjustments while the machine is idle or welding. It cannot make adjustments while
the machine is starting up or stopping. The top four switches move the machine while it is
idle. The lower eight switches will allow the user to adjust parameters, bound by the limits in
the configuration of the pass. The first time an adjustment switch is pressed it will display the
current value of that parameter on the display. Each press after that will adjust the value of the
parameter, if the pass settings allow it. If an operator is using the limited pendant, they can still
adjust parameters at the control box if the pass they are running allows it.
5.2.A Pass Select – Pressing this switch allows the operator to toggle through all of the
passes within the selected folder.
5.2.B Height Jog – Activating this switch moves the height axis up and down while the
machine is idle. If the Automatic Height Control is disabled it will allow you to adjust
the height while welding. Pushing this switch toward the top of the pendant causes
the height slide to move away from the work piece. Pushing this switch toward the
bottom of the pendant causes the height slide to move toward the work piece.
5.2.C Wire Jog – Activating this switch jogs the welding wire up or down while idle.
Pushing this switch toward the top of the pendant causes the welding wire to move
away from the work piece. Pushing this switch toward the bottom of the pendant
causes the welding wire to toward the work piece.
5.2.D Weave Jog – Activating this switch in either direction will cause the weaver to
oscillate. Releasing it will make it center. (You can use this switch along with the
Tractor Jog (See 5.1.D) switch to see how the motion will look without welding.)
5.2.E Tractor Jog – Activating this switch causes the tractor to travel forward or backward.
Normally it will be setup to move faster in reverse. (See SECTION 7.0 Global
Configuration) (The tractor will move forward at the welding speed for 5 seconds,
then switch into a high speed mode.)
5.2.F Current – Adjusts the target current. Pushing this switch toward the top of the
pendant causes the current value to increase. Pushing this switch toward the bottom
of the pendant causes the current value to decrease. This will have no effect if the
height control is disabled.
5.2.G Wire Feed Speed – Adjusts the wire feed speed. Pushing this switch toward the
top of the pendant causes the Wire Feed Speed to increase. Pushing this switch
toward the bottom of the pendant causes the Wire Feed Speed to decrease.
5.2.H Voltage – Adjusts the welding voltage. Pushing this switch toward the top of the
pendant causes the voltage to increase. Pushing this switch toward the bottom of the
pendant causes the voltage to decrease.
Tractor Travel Speed – Adjusts the tractor travel speed. Pushing this switch toward
the top of the pendant causes the tractor travel speed to increase. Pushing this
switch toward the bottom of the pendant causes the tractor travel speed to decrease.
5.2.J Dwell Left – Adjusts the weave dwell time on the left side of the weave motion.
Pushing this switch toward the top of the pendant causes the dwell time to increase.
Pushing this switch toward the bottom of the pendant causes the dwell time to
5.2.K Dwell Right – Adjusts the weave dwell time on the right side of the weave motion.
Pushing this switch toward the top of the pendant causes the dwell time to increase.
Pushing this switch toward the bottom of the pendant causes the dwell time to