Q-See QSD2316L User Manual
Page 7

QSD2308L/QSD2316L DVR User’s Manual
Two level user group management: advance and normal, rights
authorized by administrator
Support one administrator and 15 users.
Support event log recording and checking, unlimited events
Supports TCP/IP, DHCP, PPPoE, DDNS protocol
Supports IE browser to do remote viewing
Supports a maximum of 5 connections simultaneously
Supports dual stream. Network stream adjustable independently to fit
the network bandwidth and environment.
Supports picture snap and color adjustment in remote live view
Supports remote time and event search, mouse drag search, single
channel playback with picture snap
Supports remote PTZ control with preset and auto cruise
Supports remote full menu setup, changing all the DVR parameters
Supports mobile surveillance by smart phones or PDA with Symbian or
WinCE OS, 3G network available
Supports CMS to manage multiple devices on internet.