Resources menu options, Options menu options, Help menu options – TEKVOX TekTouchPad User Manual
Page 6: Button context menu options, Esources, Ptions, Utton, Ontext, Itle

Resources Menu Options
Color Schemes – Allows for modifying or creating new color scheme formats.
Assigns a unique ID to the scheme and stores it away with a sch extension.
Bitmaps – Allows for importing bitmaps into the system. Takes a .bmp file and tags it
with a unique ID and adds a tkb extension.
Fonts – Allows for importing fonts into the system. Takes a .bin file and tags it with a
unique ID and adds a tkf extension.
Options Menu Options
Host Com Settings – Sets the current connection communications settings.
Panel System Settings – Allows for setting the global TekTouchPad system settings.
Reset Touch Pad Config – Resets a custom Touch Pad button configuration to
internal default.
Reset Touch Pad Splash – Resets the defined splash screen to no splash screen.
Reset Touch Pad –Causes a Touch Pad reset to occur.
Status View – Provides a report of built in test results from panel self-test.
Path Settings – Sets the locations of the various TekTouchPad files.
Help Menu Options
Contents – Produces this document.
About – Displays the current version and copyright data.
Button Context Menu Options
Right clicking on one of the programmable buttons on the main panel creates a context
Copy – Copies all configuration data pertaining to the clicked button to the clipboard.
Paste – Pastes all configuration data contained in the clipboard to the selected
button. Button configuration data saved in the clipboard may be pasted into other
instances of the configuration utility.
Clear – Resets the button to its default “Undefined” state. When cleared this button
will not be shown.
Page Title
At the top of the screen a page title can be added.
Adding a title will shrink the buttons and shift them
down. Clicking on “Page Title” displays the Page Title
dialog to enter the text and color scheme. The color
scheme needs to be different from the background.