TEKVOX TekManager and TekMonitor User Manual

TekMonitor Set Up Guide(V1.4)
For Non-Configured TekMonitors
August 5th, 2014
Overview: A TEKVOX TekPatrol
™-based system, including all TEKVOX Drop-Ins, requires
certain information to be programmed into the device prior to operational deployment. At a
minimum, this includes the following:
1. Campus name
2. Building name
3. Room number
4. Projector model number
5. Projector serial number
6. Tek 1201HD serial number
7. Tek 2 TekMonitor serial number (pre-programmed by TEKVOX).
The serial numbers are essential to TekPatrol’s asset management functions and cannot be
overlooked. TEKVOX offers free in-factory configuration for customer convenience if the above
information is provided with the product order (see TEKVOX Drop-In Worksheet.xls).
If you have received an unconfigured system, please follow the steps below to configure your
system(s). You will need:
1. TEKVOX TekManager software installed on a local Windows PC (contact
[email protected] if you do not have this software)
2. A CAT5e ethernet cable
3. A means to power the TekMonitor for configuration (see below)
Section 1: Establishing a Connection with the TekMonitor
1. Powering the TekMonitor: The TekMonitor can be powered through its 24V DC power
input or via a CAT5E ethernet cable with power (PoE or injected power). Please ensure
that the TekMonitor is powered.
2. Connecting to the TekMonitor: The TekMonitor is compatible with Ethernet and a
Cat5E wired connection between the Tek 2 and a router with DHCP must be
established. The TekMonitor will perform a DHCP request on power-up. (The order in
which it receives power doesn’t matter).