Dataman 848Pro2 User Manual
Page 36

Log file...
Log file settings screen looks as following:
Log file is text file containing information about PG4UWMC control program operation
flow, which means information about loading project files, device operation types and
device operation results.
Main Log file name in Stand-Alone programmer can not be modified by user, it has
defined value E:\Logs\reportmc.log where drive E: is placed on built-in disk of Stand-
Alone programmer.
Multiprogramming system generates a few Log files. One main Log file is generated for
program PG4UWMC and other Log files are generated for each of the running
Programmer Sites. Each site has its own Log file. The name of the site's Log file has the
same prefix as the name of the Log file specified in the edit box Log file. The file name
prefix is followed by the number of the site in the form of _#
placed into the folder E:\Logs\reportmc.log where drive E: is placed on built-in disk of
standalone programmer.
The Log file names used are:
PG4UWMC main Log file
Site's #1 Log file
Site's #2 Log file
Site's #3 Log file
and so on...
Following options can be set for Log file creation:
option Append Log file sets usage of Log file. Log file will be created after the first
restart of PG4UWMC. For all following executions of PG4UWMC, the existing Log
file will be preserved and new data will be appended to the existing Log file.
option Rewrite Log file sets usage of Log file on. Log file will be created after the
first restart of PG4UWMC. For all other following executions of PG4UWMC, the
existing Log file will be rewritten and new Log file will be created. Data from previous
Log file will be deleted.
Checkbox Add date information to Log file name allows user to choose additional
date information into Log file name. When the checkbox is checked, the program
automatically adds current date string into Log file name through the following rules:
If log file name has format:
< log_file_name>.
The name with added date will be: