Options / settings – Dataman 848Pro2 User Manual
Page 35
project load. To enable Load project command again, Administrator Mode of
PG4UWMC must be entered.
To switch program from Operator Mode back to Administrator Mode, use the menu
command Options / Switch to Administrator Mode... The "Password required" dialog
appears. User has to enter the same password as the password entered during switch
to Operator Mode.
Indication of both modes in software:
When Administrator Mode is active, the blue label Administrator Mode is visible in right
top corner of Programmers activity log.
When Operator Mode is active, the yellow label Operator Mode is visible in right top
corner of Programmers activity log.
Sometimes when Administrator Mode is switched from Operator Mode, some
commands (for example command "Load project") may remain disabled. This can be
resolved by clicking on button Stop ALL.
Operation "Load project" for protected project files uses project defined allowed device
operations to enable/disable device operations in PG4UWMC. Also "Load project"
operation can be automatically disabled in Operator Mode of PG4UWMC. This is
applied only when option "Use Site #1 project for all Sites" is selected. If the option is
turned off, each Site will have its own project file, and no menu operations blocking
forced by project settings will be performed. All operation protection settings from
protected projects will be ignored.
Options / Settings...
Command displays dialog “Settings” with list of options, user can choose from and set
their properties and/or settings.